One Last Christmas for the VHS Tape
Here's a snippet:
The last major Hollywood movie to be released on VHS was "A History of Violence" in 2006. By that point major retailers such as Best Buy and Wal-Mart were already well on their way to evicting all the VHS tapes from their shelves so the valuable real estate could go to the sleeker and smaller DVDs and, in more recent seasons, the latest upstart, Blu-ray discs. [Ryan] Kugler, [president of Distribution Video Audio Inc.] ended up buying back as much VHS inventory as he could from retailers, distributors and studios; he then sold more than 4 million VHS videotapes over the last two years.
Those tapes went to bargain-basement chains such as Dollar Tree, Dollar General and Family Dollar, and Kugler's network of mom-and-pop clients and regional outlets, such as the Gabriel Bros. Stores in West Virginia or the Five Below chain in Pennsylvania. If you bought a Clint Eastwood movie at the Flying J Truck Stop in Saginaw, Mich., or a "Care Bears" tape at one of the H.E. Butts Grocery stores in Texas, Kugler's company probably put it there. He also sells to public libraries, military bases and cruise ships, although those clients now all pretty much want DVDs.
Kugler estimates that 2 million tapes are still sitting on shelves of his clients' stores across the country, but they are the last analog soldiers in the lost battle against the digital invasion. "I'm not sure a lot of people are going to miss VHS," he said, "but it's been good to us."
Labels: Distribution Audio Video, DVD, Ryan Kugler, VHS, videotape
VHS era winding down? This article seems a little late in the coming!
I thought the DVD era is even beginning to wind down and, though I like Blu-Ray, I don't think DVDs will be replaced by anything tactile. With more and more people downloading their media content, I think we will eventually see a 2-5TB set top box that will store hundreds of movies in HD format. This will eclipse Blu-Ray before it takes the market away from DVDs.
GB, at 1:53 PM
Two comments on this story.
1. There are over 100 million copies of VHS sitting on shelves in warehouses across the US and Canada alone and there are companies that are working with the distribs to help recover space on those shelves to remove VHS for DVD and Blu-Ray. DVD is still here and will be for sometime to come as the price of replication has been drastically cut in the Matsushita royalty, ergo...BLU RAY is new but is still a few years off of being the household norm.
2. The idea of not having retail is a long way off. People are collectors and they are tactile lovers. They are impulsive and want the instant gratification as well as the day out to have a look around. I'm in the delivery business and I still buy 90% of my content in a store with a clerk.
Merry Christmas everyone!
David Geertz, at 5:24 PM
I agree 100% with what GB said. The reason blu-ray isn't catching on is because savvy consumers out there know what's coming. If downloads jump to HD I think you'll see people give up their tactile preferences. Movies and music were never really tactile to begin with.
Tristan Lindsay, at 2:14 AM
I've a certain unavoidable cinema-romantic attraction to VHS, like with any older format, that I wonder if others share. It just seems more pure to watch "Videodrome" ON video than the digital transfer. I am of the generation that grew up in a world dominated by the VHS format, where many films were made to match VHS quality standards and not exceed them; watched on the ole 4 header, these movies fit their medium, but watching any digitized version seems to detract from the feel of these movies.
I wonder, Scott, will there (someday) be a market of serious VHS collectors as there is for vinyl records in the music industry? Cuz I'd just love to start a company that specialized in rare VHS at some point in the future, but the current "new media" climate seems to me that its members would rather rip older films from VHS into whatever encoding format and distribute digitally.
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Anonymous, at 8:27 PM
Do you ever wonder what we'll be using to watch movies in 10 years. VHS tapes are gone, DVD are going to BlueRay. What's next?
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