ABC Says 'No Thanks' to Viewer Ideas
If this piece from today's NY Times is any indication, that initiative is proving to be every bit as challenging as the execs there expected it would be. Apparently, the Writers Guild doesn't like the idea of Disney's ABC television network asking viewers for story ideas for the new sit-com "In the Motherhood"; the show was born on the Web, where it fed off real-life tales from viewers.
From Brian Stelter's piece today:
On the edition of “Motherhood” (since discontinued), short segments about funny, frazzled mothers were inspired by the real-life stories that viewers submitted via an Internet forum. ABC, similarly, asked for story submissions on its Web site ( and said that they “might just become inspiration for a story by the writers.”
But ABC’s call for ideas from moms drew the attention of the Writers Guild of America, which said this type of request for submissions was “not permissible” under its contract with the network. This week ABC abruptly removed the language about “inspiration” from its Web site, effectively saying that the writers may not be listening to viewers’ ideas, after all.
The last-minute changes are a telling demonstration of the differences between the Web video world — a mostly low-budget, short-form medium — and the traditional television industry. Just as most publishing companies don’t accept unsolicited manuscripts, most TV and movie studios don’t accept scripts, ideas or jokes submitted by viewers. Unless the proper waivers are signed in advance, something as innocent as a fan e-mail message with a suggested joke can provoke a copyright-infringement lawsuit later.
Too bad... this puts the Writers Guild on the wrong side of innovation.
Labels: ABC, Disney, In the Motherhood, Writers Guild of America
What is the guild supposed to do? It's a very slippery slope. If you can get your audience to freely contribute ideas that you use to make a profit, then you can leverage that against paid writers. Besides, if a fan has a million dollar idea, shouldn't they be compensated for that?
Clockworkjoe, at 2:48 AM
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Anonymous, at 10:40 PM
the WSG does not care if a fan gets paid they only care about making sure THEY get paid.
If a fan came up with a huge idea every network, film studio, marketing company would want that person working for them and they would get bank.
The WGA like SAG is quickly making them outside the new now.
I can create a great Web Series outside SAG and WGA, pay all my staff and do well for myself.
The unions better understand the new now, it's not waiting
Unknown, at 1:33 PM
Dear Scott,
you may want to copy&paste the previous chinese comment on Yahoo's Babel Fish. I find its contents a bit out of line, and it looks like a tagging trick you may not wish to be associated with
Anonymous, at 8:00 AM
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