Movies You Can't Buy Online
Odds are good that you won't find them.
I wanted to write about the issue, so I put together a list of fifty great movies (celebrated by the AFI, Roger Ebert, and Time Magazine) and all-time box office champs that you can't buy or rent online.
Here's the Variety article on the topic. One reason that you can't find movies like the James Bond series, 'The Godfather,' and 'The Lion King' is likely that they haven't yet been released on Blu-ray disc yet, and the studios are sure they'll make more money on selling high-def discs than they can with $9.99 iTunes downloads.
My favorite quote in the piece is from Jim Flynn, who runs the download sites EZTakes and iArthouse: "The pirates in general have a download exclusive," he says. "These movies are available as downloads -- just not legal ones."
Here's my list of fifty great movies you can't buy or rent legally on any of the major download sites (iTunes, Unbox, Movelink, and CinemaNow). Have you discovered others? Add them in the comments.
Fifty Movies You Won't Find Online (Legally)
Almost Famous
Annie Hall
Apocalypse Now
Brokeback Mountain
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Citizen Kane
City of God
Double Indemnity
Drunken Master (1 or 2)
E.T. The Extra Terrestrial
Farewell My Concubine
Forrest Gump
The Godfather I-III
Gone With the Wind
The Graduate
It’s a Wonderful Life
A Hard Day’s Night
Hotel Rwanda
King Kong, 1933 original and Peter Jackson’s 2005 re-make (the 1976 Jessica Lange version is available)
La Dolce Vita
Miller’s Crossing
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
My Fair Lady
Pulp Fiction
Purple Rose of Cairo
Raging Bull
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Rear Window
Roger and Me
Saving Private Ryan
Schindler’s List
Sex, Lies & Videotape
Shrek 1, 2, and 3
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
The Sound Of Music
Star Wars Episodes I-VI
The Wizard of Oz
12 Angry Men
2001: A Space Odyssey (but 2010: The Year We Make Contact is available)
28 Up
Labels: Amazon, Blu-ray, CinemaNow, digital downloads, DVD, EZTakes, iArthouse, iTunes, Jim Flynn, Movielink, Unbox
That's a real Problem. But it's not just that. Ever tried to male a Copy of your DVD/Blu-Ray to watch it on yout iPod Touch? Can be a pain if you have to grab from the DVD and ship around various copyright securities. The Downloaded file? Just drop it to ffmpegx and choose the iPod Touch Version as the Output-File.
The Problem is that the buyers of a DVD/Blu-Ray get cut in their Possibilities where the Pirates have no Problems as the File is already "pure"
It's the same with mp3s. Ever tried to copy a mp3 bought at iTunes to an non Apple MP3 player? Or an mp3 bought elsewhere to an Apple one? The Downloaded ones work everywhere.
GPSchnyder, at 4:22 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
stinger839, at 12:44 PM
28Up has gone digital at Netflix.
But I've noticed that what Netflix ha s been doing is that they have a film on instant watch for a certain amount of time, and this information is available in the "Expected Availability" column of your Instant Queue. For example, The Innocents is only going to be around until August 31st.
So it looks like netflix themselves are "renting" the ability to stream certain movies.
btw, great blog! just found you through post on
stinger839, at 12:48 PM
For all the studios' moaning about pirating and such, it certainly seems like they're shooting themselves in the foot, doesn't it.
Helena Handbasket, at 11:49 PM
Thanks for pointing that out. I looked at four sites: iTunes, Unbox, CinemaNow, and Movielink. I didn't look at Netflix 'Watch Now,' but on a quick check, '28 Up' seems like one of the few movies on my list that they do offer in streaming form.
Scott Kirsner, at 10:20 AM
Hi, I'm just drop by here.Since your talking about movies. I want to get some information regarding on the movies you have. Mine also I done for many searches regarding on some movies which post online. And I search for a hottest movie.
Anonymous, at 8:28 AM
Its a big problem. I am searching for some old fifty's movies but can't get them.
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Prashant, at 2:15 AM
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Anonymous, at 11:57 AM
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