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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Pixar's 'Ratatouille': Using the Site to Cultivate Multiple Audiences

Disney and Pixar have decided to put a nine-minute segment from 'Ratatouille' on the movie's official site, with a nice introduction from director Brad Bird.

For filmmakers and movie marketers, this seems like a great case study on how much (and what kind of) video to present on the official site. There's always a concern that too much video will help some site visitors decide that this isn't in fact a movie they want to see, but I think the upside of sharing more video outweighs that concern.

There's material here for adults like me who're eager to see the movie, die-hard Pixar fans, cg animation wonks, and kids. There are video podcasts that talk about the making of the movie, as well as a really nice guide to all the characters.

My only complaints: there's no way to grab the videos and embed them in your own site, which would help spread this stuff across the Net, and there's no obvious way to subscribe to the video podcasts so that you can watch new ones when they're posted.

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