A Quick Reminder: Patronize Your Local Drive-In

Drive-Ins.com has the ultimate database of the world's surviving drive-in movie theaters.
If you haven't been yet this summer (or ever, heaven forbid), take it from CinemaTech: there is no better way to see a movie in the summertime. Bring your own food/beverages, bring a couple of lawn chairs, bring a football to toss around before the movie. You can turn up the sound (broadcast over your new-fangled FM radio) as loud as you want. You can talk (or make out) throughout the entire movie with nary a complaint.
Also, a word to the wise: many drive-ins now charge by the carload, rather than by the person. That means you don't have to stuff your cousin into the trunk to save money. Know before you go.
(Here's where I'll be Friday night.)
Labels: Drive-ins
It is a completely different experience than sitting in front of an HDTV.
MCT Images, at 9:10 PM
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