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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Audio: Panel on the Future of Hollywood, from USC

Thursday night's panel at USC's Annenberg School was a lot of fun... I'm posting some rough audio of about half the conversation here. The question it begins with is: "What's the biggest opportunity in the entertainment industry today?" It goes on to cover indie distribution, Internet content, and digital 3-D production.

The panelists were:

    - Cliff Plumer, CEO, Digital Domain
    - Steve Schklair, CEO, 3ality Digital Systems
    - Evan Spiridellis, co-founder, JibJab Media.
    - Brian J. Terwilliger, CEO, Terwilliger Productions and Producer/Director of "One Six Right"
    - David Wertheimer, former president of Paramount Digital Entertainment and current CEO of the Entertainment Technology Center @ USC

Here's the MP3 file... or just click play below. It's about 30 minutes long.

Here's some Annenberg coverage of the event.

Thanks to Elisa Wiefel Schrieber, Giovanna Carrera, Z Holly, and Dean Wilson for making this event happen!

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